Dust control in mining
When working in mines, many harmful substances are released. That's why dust control in mining is essential. Through measures, you can prevent harmful substances that have a negative impact on humans and nature from spreading. For a pleasant and safe working environment, BeePro is your partner. With extensive experience in dust control in mining, dust is not a challenge for us. Request a free demonstration now and discover how we can turn your working environment into a pleasant and safe place again.

Dust control in mining
Why dust control in mining?
In mining, there is a lot of dust. The process of extraction generates harmful gases and substances. This not only creates dust clouds and poor visibility but also an unsafe (working) environment. Miners are exposed to toxic substances, and the surrounding area is affected. Even during storage or transportation of the product, dust can occur. BeeFoam binds dust, thus maintaining a safe working environment.
Expert in dust control
BeePro is your expert in dust control. Through our expertise, professional knowledge and enormous passion for the job, we solve all your dust problems. We have years of experience with dust control in various industries. For example, in addition to mining, we are also active in waste processing, recycling and construction. In addition, we specialize in extraction and induction separation. We like to think along with you and offer you the solution that best suits your dust problem, custom-made.
BeeFoam as a sustainable and effective solution
BeeFoam is a foam product developed specifically to combat dust in various industries. BeeFoam binds dust and suspended particles together to reduce dust formation. It is a sustainable solution because it is fully biodegradable and easy to dispense. You also use much less water with BeeFoam than traditional dust solutions, so your finished product won't get too wet.
Custom solution to your fabric problem
Our experience and expertise enable us to provide you with a customized solution to your dust problem. We develop our installations ourselves. This allows them to be completely customized. Thus, we are able to find the ideal solution for your dust problem.
Stofvrij in zeven stappenstappen

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De werking van ons product BeeFoam wordt door ons gedemonstreerd op uw materialen.

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Onder het genot van een lekkere bak koffie bespreken we gezamenlijk de mogelijkheden en uw wensen.

Als de demo u bevalt, brengen we een vrijblijvende offerte uit.

Experience a pleasant and safe working environment
Want to experience for yourself how BeePro's products help reduce your dust problem? Request a free on-site demonstration now! We can tell you a lot about the benefits of dust control, but with a free demo you can experience it for yourself. We will visit you free of charge and demonstrate our product in your production environment.