
Dust control for a safe and pleasant working environment

Dust control is the act of mitigating dust of various types and sizes using different techniques and products. Millions of companies worldwide are plagued by dust problems. Contaminated workplaces, reduced visibility, machinery wear and tear—dust issues can be found in every corner. Often, it seems like dust appears out of nowhere, especially right after cleaning.

is the act of mitigating dust of various types and sizes using different techniques and products. Millions of companies worldwide are plagued by dust problems. Contaminated workplaces, reduced visibility, machinery wear and tear—dust issues can be found in every corner. Often, it seems like dust appears out of nowhere, especially right after cleaning.

Dust control industrial

Excessive dust accumulation is often a problem in industrial spaces such as mining, waste management, recycling, or construction. Dust easily accumulates in these areas, leading to various problems. Dust buildup can be especially problematic indoors.

When there is too much dust indoors, it can even pose health risks to employees.

Dust control during demolition

Dust control during demolition is a common concern for our customers, and our products are specifically designed to address this issue. During demolition dust control, the goal is to prevent excessive dust buildup when tearing down buildings, installations, or homes. This is achieved by applying our environmentally friendly product, BeeFoam, to the dust-producing materials.

Dust control during demolition is important for the health of your employees and the lifespan of your machinery. It improves visibility and causes dust particles to settle to the ground more quickly, reducing the inhalation of dust particles and their accumulation on machinery. Dust control also prevents dust particles from settling in (moving) parts of machinery, which can lead to excessive wear and tear.

Why dust control

You might wonder, why is dust control important? Dust not only makes a living or working environment appear dirty but, as mentioned earlier, it can also have a negative impact on human health.

Usually, the type of dust and the size of dust particles determine how harmful dust is to our bodies. Large dust particles tend to get trapped in the nose or mouth and do not penetrate further into the body, making them relatively harmless. Smaller dust particles, on the other hand, are generally much more harmful because they can reach deep into our lungs. According to experts, the tiniest fine dust particles can even penetrate directly into the bloodstream, with potentially severe health consequences.

Additionally, dust control is essential for the safety of your employees. Accumulated dust can lead to situations where workers have limited visibility, which can result in hazardous scenarios. Apart from these two primary reasons to focus on dust control, we have compiled a list of other benefits of dust control for you.

The benefits of dust control


Better working conditions

By means of dust control, your employees can breathe safely.


Safe working environment

Dust no longer blocks the view, making the working environment safer.


Less wear and tear on machines

Machines suffer less from problems and wear and tear because less dust accumulates.



Thanks to dust control, fewer harmful substances end up in the environment.


Increased production capacity

Your employees work faster, safer and healthier, which increases your production capacity.

Most common places for dust problems

Production halls

All kinds of pollution can occur in the indoor air in the production hall. Despite the fact that source extraction is often used in these industries, the small dust particles continue to swirl in the air and eventually settle on the products and machines. The substances that remain suspended in the air pose a risk to the health of personnel. If they settle, they lead to machine failures, high cleaning costs and pose a risk to hygiene. That is why dust extraction is required in the production hall.

Large heaps of rubble

During the construction, demolition and renovation process, a large amount of dust is released every day. And working with dust entails quite a few risks. Construction workers have an increased risk of contracting diseases such as silicosis, chronic bronchitis or even worse: lung cancer.


Of course, much of this rubble is landfilled. This creates a large amount of dust that is harmful to the people who walk around the landfill.

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The extraction of substances from a mine also involves harmful substances. These substances include quartz substances that are very harmful to employees who inhale them, but are also harmful to machines and the surrounding view, which can lead to dangerous situations.

Learn more

Dust free in seven steps


You fill in the contact form on our website.


We will contact you within two working days to schedule an appointment.


We will visit you at your location free of charge with the necessary equipment.


We will demonstrate the operation of our BeeFoam product on your materials.


Depending on your wishes, the demonstration takes about three to four hours.


While enjoying a nice cup of coffee, we will discuss the possibilities and your wishes together.


If you like the demo, we will make a non-binding offer.

Dust control industrial

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Dust control during demolition

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How BeeFoam works

Suppressing dust is often attempted using water alone. The drawback of this approach is that it leads to significant moisture problems, ultimately damaging extraction systems and causing them to work less effectively. Moreover, this method is highly detrimental to the environment as it consumes a large amount of water and can contaminate groundwater.

BeeFoam doesn’t have these disadvantages. Here’s how BeeFoam works: in a dosing system developed by us, BeeFoam is mixed with water and air in the perfect ratio. This creates long-lasting foam, which is then applied to the surface or product to be treated.

The foam binds to the dust, making it heavier, and preventing it from floating in the air. This results in reduced inconvenience due to dust during the processing of your materials.

BeeFoam is entirely biodegradable and produced in the Netherlands. An additional benefit of BeeFoam is that the end product can be processed dust-free for three to twelve days!


    Request your free DEMO

    Can't wait for the free demonstration and would you like to know more about our BeeFoam product? This anti-dust agent is biodegradable and binds dust and suspended particles together to reduce dust formation. Read more about BeeFoam or order our free brochure now!

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    Groeten, Wybren | Eigenaar van BeePro B.V.

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